Death Squad

Role type: CentCom. Access: Everything. Difficulty: Stupid Easy-Extreme.

Note: Death squad, for reasons that should be made clear by the end of this guide, is not a round-start role. It can only be accessed via events.


Your goal is simple. Kill anything that moves on the station and blow it to high hell with the onboard nuke. This is typically because the station decided to "form a union", is infested in some way, or is so fucked beyond repair that it may just be best for NT to kill everyone and cover it up. The amount of resistance you'll face will vary wildly, but this wont typically pose a problem, as you are equipped with the most flat out overpowered gear anyone can lay hands on. Without exaggeration, two or three robust death troopers can waste an entire station.


Death Squad troopers spawn with a potent personal arsenal. This gear is the Mateba revolver, your trusty disruptor cannon, your SWAT MK3 helmet, armor, and magboots. The mateba revolver packs as much punch as a desert eagle ('60** brute damage) The disruptor cannon can ''rapid-fire lasers that deal 50 burn damage per shot, enough to kill most targets, human or otherwise, in two or three hits.

Your armor is space-proof and does not slow you down and it has a higher resistance than even Nuke ops armor against most kinds of damage, possessing 80% bullet resistance, 90% brute melee resistance (including the underclothes), and 100% bomb resistance;'' You can blow a grenade ''in your hand and take zero damage. Note that energy weapon resistance is just 50%, so take out guys with laser guns first, and also watch out for tasers; as tough as you are, they can give the mob of frantic station crewmembers enough time to disarm you and shoot you with your own weapons. The magboots act as any other magboots, and allow you to better engage in combat in areas where the atmosphere is shifting due to breaches or opened canisters.

Nuke it from orbit

Turns out that the best way to kill something is a large nuclear warhead. While you are not provided one, the station thankfully has one onboard. Your primary goal is to grab the disk, shove it in this nuke, and detonate it with the code provided to you by your overseers.

Here's a handy braindead guide to success at Deathsquad:

  1. Walk towards the nuke disk using your disk tracker

    • if you see something that is alive while walking to the disk, shoot it dead.
  2. grab the disk, you may have to kill whoever is holding it

  3. walk to the station's onboard nuke.

  4. Shove in the disk

  5. input the nuke code

    • disable safety and start the timer
  6. get as far away from it as you can

Death Row

So, Centcom's sent a station alert saying in no exhaustive terms how much of a disappointment you have been, and that they've just decided to wipe the slate clean. You're much more the problem then the victim, and they just feel it'd be easier to replace than recover. A Death Squad is on its way right now. What should you do?

Well first, you should appraise what tools are available to you, namely; can you get a taser or not? If you have access to security, get a taser as fast as you can. It's the only way you'll stand a chance in a direct confrontation. Other crewmembers will know this, too, so they will go extremely fast. you should also procure other weapons, especially energy weapons to exploit the deathsquad's particular weakness to that type of damage. Also grab a welder if you can easily access one. Try and find people to ally with, one or two people watching your back infinitely increases your survival chances.

Whether you can get these things or not, you must evacuate the station through any available means. Without some really strong leadership, the station is likely already devolving into a complete free-for-all, so crew are going to be stealing any docked shuttles fast. Try and get one for yourself. Most station maps give one to mining, engineering, and some give one to command. The other more risky choice is the emergency shuttle, It's very likely to become more of a trap than a viable method of escape. Deathsquad will quickly be swarming all over evac, shooting anyone that tries to get on board. If they aren't, then you should find a room to hide in nearby evac. For even further security, take your blowtorch and weld doors shut to slow hunting death squad down. They can destroy doors in half a dozen shots from their disruptor cannons, but that can give ample time to escape and find another hiding place. Also keep in mind that currently Deathsquad's night vision does not work, so take out the lights if you can.

So, if all shuttles are taken and the emergency shuttle is destroyed or on its way, then you pretty much have one choice left; you've got to take the fight to them. To be honest, without a taser or other ranged stunning weapons, this is all but impossible. explosives deal no damage to death squad, and all it takes is for them to snap off a handful of shots and you will be dead from full health. So, play super Viet Cong guerilla-fighter style. Pop off one or two shots at them then flee like mad. rinse and repeat. Wear them down, and do NOT let them get access to healing supplies. Make them over-pursue and bleed out from their wounds. Use banana peels and space lube to slip them up as well. Maybe even steal their weapons while they are slipped on the ground.

Set up traps along the way to the station nuke room or the nuke disk if they haven't taken it from the captain's stiff and cold hands. Do not forget that setting off the nuke is their goal, and if they succeed, then it's game over for everyone.

Now, understand that even if you do prepare a hell of a defense, getting everything you could want from the armory and a team together to counter attack, or if you just hide in lockers in maintenance the whole time until you can make a mad dash for the emergency shuttle, you should know that there's an extremely high chance of dying. Often it will feel unfair, but that's Deathsquad for you. They are meant to cap off the peak craziness that can happen on unity station. So do what you can to survive, but make sure to have fun with it. And if by some chance you do survive, that's quite an achievement, so feel proud of yourself.

Department Roles
Command Captain, Head of Personnel
Security Head of Security, Warden, Security Officer, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospherics Technician
Science Research Director, Scientist, Geneticist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Virologist,
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Service Bartender, Cook, Janitor, Clown, Mime, Curator, Lawyer, Chaplain, Assistant, Psychologist
Synthetic Station AI
Ghost Roles Ancient Engineer, Ash Walker, Fugitive
Antagonist Revolutionary, Nuclear operative, Traitor, Blob, Wizard,
Centcom Centcom Officer, Death Squad, Emergency Response Team, Redshield Officer