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Directory Structure

All main project files are contained in the /Assets folder. The structure can be viewed below:

Current structure


Folder Description
../Tools/ All non-unity tools, such as coding style presets
../Docs/ All Github-rendered documentation except for the licence
../Travis/ All config files for our CI Travis


All Unity related files are contained in the /UnityProject folder.

Folder Description
/Assets/Animations Contains most of the animations used in-game
/Assets/Light2D Contains the Light2D plugin
/Assets/Plugin-Name Contains all assets and scripts from a certain plugin
/Assets/Prefabs Contains prefabs for most things except for Objects
/Assets/Resources Contains a lot of files that need to be loaded during the game
/Assets/scenes Contains the different scenes (every scene is a separate folder at the moment)
/Assets/Scripts Contains most of the scripts used in-game
/Assets/Scripts/Editor Contains most of the scripts used in the editor
/Assets/Scripts/Tilemaps Contains all Scripts for TMS
/Assets/Sounds Contains most of the in-game sounds
/Assets/Textures Contains a lot of sprites
/Assets/UI Contains UI related content
/Assets/Tilemaps Contains most things directly related to the TileMapSystem (TMS)
*/Resources/ This is a Resources folder, all content is acted upon as if it was in /Assets/Resources


The following things should be changed to get a more clear directory structure.


Folder Description
/Assets/Plugin-Name Contains all assets and scripts from a certain plugin
/Assets/Scripts/Plugin-Name Contains all Scripts from a certain plugin
/Assets/Scripts/Plugin-Name/Editor Contains all editor Scripts from a certain plugin

We should create a script to recursively load all resources from /Assets/Resources/Sub-Folder for ex. RecursiveResourceLoad(Subfolder, Filename)

This would enable us to put all resources in a subfolder under /Assets/Resources
One Folder To Find Them, And In-Game Load them

Eventually, even plugin related resources could be moved here, but that may require editing the scripts first, which may or may not be a good thing.

Almost all prefabs are networked and should/will need to be in a resource folder eventually. When a good standardised script is created to recursively load resources from a /Resources/Sub-Directory, we can move most, if not all, prefabs over to the resources directory