Helpful Functions¶
This is a complicated codebase and it can be difficult for developers to how to check something or get a reference to what they need. This is a cheat sheet of common functions to help you quickly find what you need so you don't waste a lot of time looking or reimplementing something that already exists. This is not intended to be a complete list of functions, but just the most commonly used ones. Please expand it or modify it as you see fit.
To write to the debug log:
Logger.Log(string msg, Enum Category)
To set the log level for different categories, go to unitystation/UnityProject/Assets/Scripts/Debug/Logger.cs, and modify
private static readonly Dictionary<Category, Level> LogOverrides = new Dictionary<Category, Level>{
[Category.Unknown] = Level.Info,
[Category.Movement] = Level.Error,
[Category.Health] = Level.Trace,
to your liking.
Get player info by gameObject (serverside only)
ConnectedPlayer player = PlayerList.Instance.Get(gameObject);
if (player != ConnectedPlayer.Invalid) {
//Do your thing. If gameObject is not found in PlayerList, ConnectedPlayer.Invalid is returned
Check if player has spawned
bool playerSpawned = (PlayerManager.LocalPlayer != null);
Check if local player is dead
Check if local player is in critical health
functions related to items the player has equipped
Functions related to player taking actions with the server
Check if this is the server, but only inside a NetworkBehaviour
Check if this is the server
CustomNetworkManager.Instance._isServer == false
Get the room number of a tile (only enclosed spaces will be defined as a room. RoomNumber will = -1 if it is not a room)
Other Useful Scripts¶
The Assets\Scripts\Util
folder also contains a bunch of useful scripts to help deal with common problems. Have a look through there and you might find something useful!